Choose well to ease the pressure at emergency departments

Pharmacy, GP, emergency department? Knowing where to go when you need help can sometimes be confusing. If you're still not sure which is the right service for you, call NHS 111 free. #ChooseWell
NHS choose well graphic

If you or a member of your family experience a minor injury or illness during the holidays don’t spend your time waiting in the emergency department – there are lots of different ways that you can access advice, support and treatments from the NHS.

Holidays are a time to relax and have fun but if you or a family member falls ill or has an accident, help yourself and the NHS by getting the right treatment for your level of illness or injury.

If you only have a minor illness or ailments then visit your local pharmacist. They can help with expert advice and over-the-counter remedies.  If you need urgent medical advice but it is not a life threatening emergency then telephone NHS 111. Their call handlers can tell you anything from where to find an emergency dentist to getting you and out-of-hour’s doctor.

There are many options for accessing appropriate care across Devon and Cornwall. This leaflet gives more details.

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