Coronavirus advice, guidance and resources to help residents of Cornwall through these challenging times

As we approach the end of the first week of isolation, Its been heart-warming and inspiring to see the county and country react and adapt to these new and challenging times.

There has been an incredible uprising of community spirit, acts of kindness and the mobilisation of businesses to help and assist those isolating in recent weeks.

Nationally, Dyson are preparing to produce ventilators and locally, residents are offering free accommodation and parking to support key workers. Healthwatch Cornwall has also been adapting to this new landscape with home working in place and new ways of operating remotely.

The team are monitoring, capturing and understanding the impact of Coronavirus and your experiences of this from a health and social care perspective, using digital channels and our new platform

From across the county and nationally, we are bringing you the most up-to-date information and a collection of the latest resources to help you navigate through these challenging times from a health and social care perspective.

Organisations offering support and help in Cornwall during Coronavirus

Volunteer Cornwall are offering a range of delivery services and assistance for vulnerable groups and can be contacted on T: 01872 265300. They are also always looking for further volunteers to help and can be contacted here

Concern Wadebridge is also providing daily meals (Mon-Fri), delivered to the door as well as a prescription service. Volunteers are also required to help with deliveries and can be contacted on T: 01208 812392

Gypsy Travellers & people from Live Aboard boating communities can seek advice and information as well as helpful resources for their communities by following the link here 

Cornwall Council have also provided a range of useful resources around mental health and wellbeing which can be found here as well as must-read information and advice about their hardship scheme here

Its imperative to make sure your head space is in check and you’re taking care of mind as well as body too. Dr Laura Sennen, Clinical psychologist and group analyst, has provided this useful and interesting Podcast around managing anxiety which can be downloaded here

The Guardian have also created a helpful video explainer on how to cope with anxiety and isolation which can be viewed here as well as the BBC offering an alternative version here

Help for homeworking parents

Homeworking and entertaining children during Coronavirus in Cornwall.

Keeping the kids safe and entertained whilst working from home downloable resources below:

Safeguarding and support for vulnerable groups in Cornwall

Also from 23 March 2020, the Government is contacting around 1.5 million NHS patients by letter, with guidance and information on ‘shielding’. There is a useful article here to help with further information around this.

Follow the link here for further information

Coronavirus Bereavement Support

If you have lost a relative, partner or friend to Coronavirus the Coronavirus Bereavement Support Line is available for support between 10am-6pm on T: 01726 829874.

Royal Cornwall Hospital Trust Bereavement Office can also be contacted for any practical queries on T: 01872 252713

Further information is available by following the link:​​​

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