1. Report -

    End-of-life care report 2016
  2. Report -

    A look at access to GP appointments 2016
  3. Report -

    Patient flow in acute hospitals 12 hours in the emergency department at the Royal Cornwall Hospital.
  4. Report -

    Read the report from 2016.
  5. Report -

    This policy has been established to ensure that Healthwatch Cornwall meets its legal obligations under Freedom of Information.
  6. Report -

    Download our influencing function policy.
  7. Report -

    You can download the presentations from our mental health conference 'Together in Mind' below.
  8. Report -

    Feedback from patients and the public across Cornwall and Isles of Scilly on the NHS long term plan.
  9. Report -

    Download papers for our Oct 2019 Public Board Meeting.
  10. Report -

    An engagement activity conducted by Healthwatch Cornwall with mental health teams from across the county.
  11. Report -

    Since our launch in April 2018 Kernow Maternity Voices Partnership has led the way with the Better Births transformation agenda in the South West of England.
  12. Report -

    A snapshot of people’s experiences of delayed transfers of care from hospitals in Cornwall, during July 2019.
  13. Report -

    Download papers for our July 2019 Public Board Meeting.
  14. Report -

    The NHS has spent the past year talking and listening to lots of different people across Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly about their mental health and the support that’s available to them. They want to understand what things are important, what’s working well, and what things need to change.
  15. Report -

    "Healthwatch Cornwall has achieved a great deal this year which hinges on 2 things; keeping people at the center of all we do and ensuring the projects we work on can either drive or contribute to improvement."